no-nonsense vps hosting

Data Protection Policy

Personal information


We consider your personal information to include:

It does not include information you have made public, such as any posts you may make to our public mailing lists, forums, etc.

Data you store or transmit through your service with us, such as your filesystem data and network traffic, is not covered by the Data Protection Act since it is not information about you stored and processed by us. We detail our policies on this separately, below.

Use of personal information

BitFolk takes your privacy very seriously. When you provide us with your personal information, you agree that we may use it:

Access to personal information

If you believe we hold personal information about you and wish to have a copy of it, we can provide this to you on payment of a £10 administration fee. The request must be made in writing to us at:

The Data Controller
21 Trevithick Close
Greater London
TW14 9SA

Disclosure of personal information

Your personal information is confidential. We will only disclose it outside of BITFOLK LIMITED when:

Where legally possible, we will inform you if we are compelled to disclose your personal information.

Active account names and levels of CPU/network usage are currently exposed in the public Cacti interface because public access to performance figures is operationally useful and consultation has shown this to not be of concern. If you do not wish this data to be publicly visible then it can be removed on a case-by-case basis.

If you nominate an existing customer as a referrer then you give consent for some details regarding your account with us to be disclosed to your referrer. You can find full information about this in our referral scheme. If you would prefer that these details were not disclosed, do not nominate a referrer.

Retention of personal information

Assuming your account is up to date, we will keep the personal information of former customers on file no longer than one year from when their service was last active. In the event that we may have a need to chase unpaid bills, we will keep former customer details on file for up to six years from the due date of the latest invoice.

Transfer of personal information to other countries

Your personal information is currently stored in the UK, but we reserve the right to transfer it to other countries if necessary. Some countries do not have the same standard of data protection laws as the UK, however, we will always ensure that there are agreements in place to maintain our obligations under the Data Protection Act.

Customer data

Data associated with your service such as your filesystem contents and network traffic is not covered by the Data Protection Act because it is not collected, stored and processed by us for our purposes. However, we do of course consider it to be confidential. This means that we do not observe or share your data unless operationally required.

We can't explicitly list every operational situation which will require us to gain access to your data; something new may always come along. In general we will always try to ask for permission first. The following is a non-exhaustive list of situations in which we know we will need some level of access to your data, and may not be able to ask permission first:

Your data is confidential. We will not disclose your data outside of BITFOLK LIMITED unless:

Where legally possible we will inform you if we are compelled to disclose your data.

Those are our policies, but in terms of what it is possible to access, you should consider that all of your data is potentially accessible to anyone with root access on the hardware they are hosted on. The block devices can be directly read, even encrypted block devices can have their keys read out of computer memory. It is important for you to consider if it's appropriate for you to store your data on someone else's hardware.

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